Eggplant Pizzas


When I got the eggplant from my CSA recently, I was kind of at a loss about what to do with it. I have the great Eggplant Rollatini recipe, which I love, but I didn’t have the other ingredients I needed and I didn’t have the time or the inclination to get them. With school starting I’ve switched into quick-and-easy mode, at least during the week!! So I did a quick Google search and I came upon the idea of making mini-eggplant pizzas! They are SO quick, easy, and delish!!

Mini Eggplant Pizzas

Time: about 10 minutes prep, 20 minutes cooking

Serves: about 4 appetizer portions, depending on the size of your eggplant


  • 1 medium or small eggplant
  • shredded mozzarella cheese (the amount is up to you, but I probably used about 3/4 cup shredded)
  • tomato sauce (again, the amount will vary depending on your eggplant. Maybe 1/2-3/4 cup total)
  • olive oil spray
  • Italian seasoning


1. Spray a cookie sheet with olive oil spray. Preheat the oven to 375. I tried a few in my toaster oven and some in my regular oven, and they worked well in both types. Slice your eggplant into rounds. You don’t want them to be TOO thin, because then they will be floppy and impossible to pick up. Just use a knife and slice them about 1/2 inches thick.

2. Place the eggplant slices in one layer on the cookie sheet. Bake the eggplant for about 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway.

3. Take a small spoonful of tomato sauce and spread it on each eggplant round. Sprinkle a little Italian seasoning on each.


4. Sprinkle a little (or a lot!) of shredded mozzarella on each slice.


5. Put the cookie sheet back into the oven and cook for about 6-8 more minutes, until the cheese has melted.



Peach and Gorgonzola Salad

California Pizza Kitchen has an amazing salad with grilled peaches, gorgonzola, and pecans. I decided to try my own version at home and it came out great! I left out the pecans and sautéed the peaches instead of grilling them. The restaurant uses a white balsamic vinaigrette, but I used a little regular balsamic vinegar and it worked just fine. You can try any dressing you like. To keep calories low I just use the vinegar.

Peach and Gorgonzola salad
Yield: 1 salad
2 cups salad greens (I like lettuce and arugula)
1 small peach or half a big one, sliced
1 Tbsp crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
1 Tbsp dried cranberries
1-2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar or any dressing you like
Optional- thinly sliced red onion, tomato wedges

Sauté the peach slices in a nonstick pan that has been coated with spray or a bit of oil. Cook until peach is warm and a bit soft.

Combine all the ingredients except the vinegar or dressing in a bowl. Toss to combine. Top with vinegar or dressing and enjoy!
