Finally…a CSA Update!

I haven’t had a chance to post pictures of my CSA boxes lately, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t been awesome! I’ve been loving the fall produce that comes every Tuesday in my box. I’m seriously going to miss getting my CSA box every week when the seasons ends in November!

Here are a few pictures of some of my recent boxes along with any interesting things I might have made with the produce. I’m going from oldest to newest, although I am not sure about the exact dates since it’s been awhile!

CSA from Stony Hill Farms

Above you can see one of my late summer boxes. I used many of the tomatoes to make this amazing roasted tomato puree, which I will post soon. The jalapeños found their way into my corn chowder, and I also froze some to make some hot pepper jelly.

CSA from Stony Hill Farms

Here is a similar box, with some summer squash and cucumber. I actually tried making zucchini “noodles” with some of the squash and it worked pretty well!!


I could tell fall was coming with this box came! The spaghetti squash was a very welcome addition. I roasted it and ate it with some tomato & meat sauce! Spaghetti squash is so amazing…I know that even if I don’t get any more from my CSA I will be buying it from the grocery store again soon.


This box was from about 2 weeks ago. I was jumping for joy when I saw the butternut squash! It’s one of my favorites!! AND it was perfect that I got leeks with it, because my favorite butternut squash soup recipe calls for leeks. (And apples!!) Of course I took pictures as I made it, and you’ll see it here on the blog soon!

CSA from Stony Hill Farms

This is last week’s box! I was totally intrigued by the purple carrots in the front. Apparently they are quite similar to regular carrots. I’m going to cook them soon, maybe with some marmalade and butter. I was excited for the pears because I haven’t had any yet this fall. They have been tasty! I also am excited to use the beets. The acorn squash is intriguing…still not sure what I’m going to do with it! Any ideas?

Corn has become a bit of a running joke with my boyfriend and I because I keep getting it in the boxes and it just piles up and I don’t know how to use it all! I froze a bunch of it but my freezer is full…lately I’ve just been giving it away! I’m still grateful to be getting such wonderful sweet corn this fall.

I hope you enjoyed my pictures of all the CSA boxes! I promise from now until the end of the season I will post them more often. What’s your favorite fall produce?

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