Clean-out-the-produce-drawer Pasta

Since joining the CSA, my produce drawer has always been very full! I am grateful for it, but I also worry about using everything up. Last Monday I decided to throw a bunch of veggies into a pasta dish and see what happened. It came out great!! Here’s what I did:

Clean-out-the-produce-drawer pasta


  • 1/2 a box of pasta, any kind (a short pasta like penne is probably better than something like spaghetti)
  • pesto sauce (I used my garlic scape pesto, but you could use any kind, or even red sauce!)
  • assorted veggies, such as corn, zucchini, green beans, kale…
  • grated Parmesan, if desired


1) Start cooking your pasta. Steam your veggies. Put things like zucchini in the steamer before other things like corn.


This is when I added the kale!

This is when I added the kale!

2) Drain pasta and check veggies. When they are tender, toss them with the pasta.

3) Add some pesto and toss. You can add as much or as little sauce as you want.

4) Sprinkle with Parmesan if you like!


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