Kale Chips!

Kale chips are my favorite way to make kale. Andrew also LOVES them! This is my kale chip strategy. (Not really a full recipe, sorry!) It’s really easy, fun, and delicious. The kale gets so crispy and amazing!


  • fresh kale
  • salt & pepper
  • olive oil spray
  • garlic powder (optional)
  • chili powder (optional)


1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Rip up the kale leaves into pieces. I like to make them into pieces about the size of a cracker, or a little larger. The bigger pieces are easier to pick up and eat.

2) Spray a cookie sheet with olive oil spray, or put a SilPat or parchment paper down. Place the kale in a single layer on the cookie sheet.


3) Spray the kale with the olive oil spray. Sprinkle salt and pepper over all the kale. Then sprinkle with garlic powder and chili powder, if you like a little spice. I like to hold the spice jars high above the cookie sheet as I sprinkle so I make sure that all the kale are lightly covered, instead of dumping a bunch of garlic on one piece!


4) Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Check the kale. You want the edges to be starting to brown, but just barely. You can leave the kale in the oven for a few more minutes if needed, but be careful because they will cross the line into burned rather quickly.


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