Using up veggies from my CSA boxes!

One of the things that made me a little nervous about signing up for the CSA was whether I would be able to find a way to use all the veggies that I knew I’d be getting. When I was a kid, I hated vegetables, but I’ve become a big fan of them over the years. I especially love roasted veggies. However, many of the vegetables I’ve gotten in my boxes are not the types that roasting works for…like swiss chard. So here are a couple things I’ve done with the veggies from my boxes!

Swiss Chard


The chard I got from the CSA was actually rainbow chard. It was beautiful, but I had never cooked chard before! After some online research, I decided to sautee it. I actually used quite a bit of crushed red pepper, so this came out a little too spicy for me (but Andrew loved it!)

I cut the stalks the colors!

I cut the stalks off…love the colors!


I sauteed the stalks first, with some olive oil, crushed red pepper flakes, salt and pepper. After a few minutes I added the greens!

Almost ready!

Almost ready!

Beet Greens


I got 3 beets that included a nice amount of beet greens. I had never cooked beet greens before, but I sauteed these too, and they were great!


They cooked down quite a bit!

Sugar Snap Peas

I was so excited when I heard I was getting these…I found tons of recipes for them, but since I ended up going away for the weekend, I ended up just quickly sautéing these as well. I just did olive oil, salt, and pepper. They got so crispy and tasted amazing! I served these with chickem and some pasta with pesto sauce. The pesto is garlic scape and arugula pesto, which was another great use for some of my CSA produce.



I have really enjoyed experimenting with the veggies I’ve been getting in my boxes! It’s been a great way to make sure that I’m eating a vegetable at every meal. Thanks for visiting!



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